

INDIA – Ashari Animal Shelter

One day, when I was on my way to the grocery store in Kolkata, I saw a tiny little kitten, sitting next to a tree, yelling at me. It was so tiny that I was wondering if its mum was somewhere around. But first I went to the store, came back and it was still sitting there. It was almost hoarse from meowing all the time. Since my aunt is an expert for cats, I called her from India. I...

TANZANIA – Ngorongoro Crater

Have you heard of the Ngorongoro Crater before? No? You should’ve! Here’s why: The Ngorongoro Conservation Area (NCA) is a huge area with the impressive Ngorongoro Crate in its center. The Ngorongoro Conservation Area has a size of 8300 km². Habt ihr schon vom Ngorongoro Crater gehört? Nein? Solltet ihr aber! Hier ist warum: Die Ngrorongoro Conservation Area /(NCA) ist ein großes Schutzgebiet mit dem beeindruckenden Krater im Zentrum. Die Ngorongoro Conservation Area hat eine Größe von 8300 km². The...