

INDIA – Taj Mahal

Agra- everything in this city centers on the Taj Mahal. Probably everyone who thinks of India also thinks about the Taj Mahal, UNESCO Worldheritage, one of the new seven wonders of the world, beautiful and unique. I always wanted to go there and when the moment was finally there, I was super excited. Quite rightly one of the seven wonders of the world! It took my breath away,  I got goose bumps when I finally saw the Taj Mahal through...


The Barakara Aquarium – where you can swim with turtles! There are two aquariums in Nungwi, but you can only swim with turtles at the Barakara. Das Barakara Aquarium – wo man mit Schildkröten schwimmen kann! Es gibt zwei Aquarien in Nungwi, aber nur im Barakara kann man tatsächlich mit ihnen schwimmen. I was super nervous because I haven’t been so close to these beautiful animals before. I went slowly into the water and the tortoise started to gather around...